
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rub a Dub Dub, Two Boys in a Sink

We have functioning sinks, functioning toliets, a functioning shower, but no functioning bathtub right now.  To clean up, the boys get a shower or, their prefered method, a 'sink bath'.

Tonight was the first time we doubled them up.  It was funny.

They played with their boats even though there wasn't much water to drive them around in.

They were extra dirty tonight.  Milo had honey in his hair and both were covered in sawdust.  They've been collecting it into piles- our great room is currently a work shop

soapy faux mo'

Milo's is listing to the side but still super cute.
P.S. Regarding cute little bums sitting in the sink: we do disinfect the sink before and after bath time!

1 comment:

Auntie Aundrea said...

So cute and fun! I miss these boys! Alison would love that bathing method. She would not want to get out! :)