
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Little Fish

Levi has been taking some private swimming lessons- 4 sessions last week and 4 this week. It made me so happy to see him thrilled at his accomplishments and it made me very proud to see him gamely try new things and listen so well to his teacher. He has had so much fun with the whole experience.

Milo was dropping rings and goggles into the water for Levi to retrieve.

Working on diving.  He was very good at the knee dives and making progress on doing it standing up.

Floating on his back.

Practicing his freestyle stroke.  I was impressed on how far along he got with this in a relatively short period of time.

His teacher told him to make "big scoops in the water-  like you are scooping out ice-cream"

Doing his "super-man float".  I like his name for it better than the more typically named "dead-man float."

Showing off his certificate.  We went out to eat tonight at Chik-fil-a to celebrate his great efforts.

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