
Friday, August 26, 2011

Flashback Friday- 3 Whole Weeks Ago

Here are some family pictures we snapped before Lea's wedding.  And yes, I have lots more wedding pictures to post!  This blog helps us keep in touch with everyone but it's other function is as our scrapbook- so an important occasion like this one means LOTS of photos.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Family Date Night

Friday night Luke got home early enough that we started our Family date night out at the Farmpark. 

Levi got to take a pony ride.

Milo says, "harumph.  I want to ride the pony!  When will I be 3 years old?"

He was so cute.

Luke got to witness Milo feeding the goats.  He takes it all pretty seriously but then will break out into a huge grin and say something unintelligible to them.

Levi has been partial to the big billy goats but here is feeding the small ones.

nibble nibble.

The lure of the diggers.

On the rockers, Milo made his "heehaw" sound that his Nana taught him.

He doesn't talk but communicates just the same.  "Move me to the next one!"

"Let's take this piggie out for a spin."

"We've got LOTS more of these to ride, Daddy!  Let's move on to the next one."

After the park closed we stopped in to get frozen yogurt.

Milo had his own spoon and dipped into Luke's bowl.  He did not care for how cold the frozen yogurt was.

"Here ya go, big brother!"

Levi in turn gave Milo a bite of his pineapple yogurt.

so tart!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Family Reunion

The Dickson clan gathered last weekend for the annual reunion.  We had beautiful weather and lots of good food and company.

Levi was invited to a tea party with the little girls.  He was curious about the place settings (beautiful pieces from Aunt Diane) but was mostly only interested in the snacks.

They created quite an elaborate setting.

The boys soaked up the extra time with their Daddy.

Soccering!  Levi was disappointed that he didn't have his shin guards with him.

Milo couldn't move as fast as Levi but still wanted to be part of the fun.

He did a pretty good job at dribbling.

He motored around without falling.

Levi found batting helmets and was so excited to get to wear one.   He insisted that I wore one, too, even though I was pitching. 

Hey batter, batter...

Swing, batter, batter.

Milo had so much fun.
Levi was enamoured by Josiah. 

We had a whole crew of toddlers and preschoolers and two brand new babies as well.

This is baby AJ.  I included my hand so you get a sense of scale.  he was just over 6# in this picture and less than 2 weeks old.  He was fun to snuggle but I enjoyed the fact that this was my first reunion in 5 years that I wasn't pregnant or nursing.

Grandma and kids on the couch picture.
    The kids have grown so much since this picture- lots more have been added, as well.


'I want to throw the football, too!"

Little Alison.

Leo and Levi share a hug.

water balloon volleyball.

Serious about water balloons.

'While everyone is distracted I'll just do some investigating."

Sleepy boys on the ride back home.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Hello and welcome to a bit of a milestone.  This is LADickson's 600th post.  I don't have anything all that noteworthy to post on this 600th occasion of me hitting 'Publish Post'- just more of what I've been doing for this past almost 5 years, snapshots into our life.  As you all know, our life right now is under construction.  The following pictures pretty much sum things up.

Levi is a serious hammer-er.  He's not just playing around anymore.  This kiddo actually pounds nails all the way through his board.  It was getting a bit noisy.  We made a special trip to the hardware store to buy ear protection.  As you can see, they are a little big.  His cheeks get pushed together together adorably.

Milo likes wearing a slightly different style.  I had quite the oversight when I bought them both earplugs- I didn't pick any up for me!

working hard. no pants.

Milo worked hard lining up the screwdriver with the head of the screw.

Levi pointing out how he drove it all the way in.  I went to pick up the board last night and it was nailed to the floor in several places.
I wonder what life will be like after 600 more posts?