
Monday, March 14, 2011

One Year Old Stats

Milo had his one year check up this morning.  He's doing great and weathered the blood draw and vaccinations like a champ.  He weighs 24# 13.5oz (80%) and is now 31 inches long (81%).

He's babbling and pointing, loves peek-a-boo and throwing balls.  He's cruising around furniture and has been imitating us- putting the phone to his ear, throwing things into the trash can, and trying to put hats on his head.  He loves to watch people, especially little kids and studies things and situations with lots of concentration and curiosity.  He's a sweet boy who is very determined and can be quite serious.  We're enjoying him immensely.  It's amazing to think of all that he's grown into in just a year's time.

Levi's one year old stats: 32.5 inches long and 24# 3.5oz.

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