
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Birthday Cake!

Today we celebrated Milo's birthday a day early with a family party.  I'll post more pictures later this weekend but wanted to get a few up right away for a certain Auntie on the east coast.

"Sooooo, this is what sugar looks like?  Count me in."
"Good singing, Everyone!  Thanks for the help blowing out that candle thingy. Now, next year I'll know what to do.  One more thing: what's a 'wish'?"
"I think I shall approach cake-eating with the same gravitas I employ on most occasions."
"This is GOOD!"
"Hmmm...Do I detect a cheesecake mousse filling?  Excellent choice."
"I also like this big spoon with frosting all over it. Birthday parties are awesome!"
"More frosting!"
"I know what my wish is: MORE cake."
Thanks for uploading your photos, Gran!

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