
Friday, March 11, 2011

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa Corzine arrived last night and today we met up with them as well as Joel, Ruby, and Ben for some lunch and play-land time.

Wow...he takes up her whole lap now, doesn't he?
What's Grandma trying to get a picture of...
...these three boys.  I don't think she was able to get more than two looking at the camera at the same time.
Milo subtly trying to tell Great Grandpa where he wants to go.
We're looking forward to celebrating Milo's birthday tomorrow with lots of family.  I've been very sick this week and got a lot worse yesterday.  I went back to the doctor this morning.  They fixed me up with a different antibiotic, something for the swelling, and super duper pain meds.  Let's have a birthday party!!!!

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