
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Flashback Friday - The War on Drugs Edition

This is a scan of a poster I drew in 4th grade. The shady character on the left says, "Hey Kid, want some dope?" (I hope that tough street talk didn't offend any of our readers' delicate sensibilities.) and the character on the right (that's me with my yellow hair and three fingers on each hand) says, "No, thanks!"
The lesson here is: Say no to drugs but make sure to do it politely.

1 comment:

Tim James said...

Awesome poster! At first I thought it was a Santa-type-thing with "Just Say HO!" in the center. Then, the dope made an appearance.

It's also very educational to see that an orange top with red bottom is shady, while a red top with an orange bottom is all about healthy boundaries.

Three fingers is standard fare in cartoon-land. Except for Wallace in Wallace and Grommit, and if you get a look at those hands you'll see why.