
Monday, April 30, 2012


The week before last we took a trip to the zoo with Kelly and Ben.  It was a fun morning.

Did your heart just melt?  Yah, me too.

Milo wants to be big like Ben and Levi.

He was thrilled to ride the train.

Poor Milo has to do all the work around here.

Catching a glimpse of the tortoises below.

"This is the life!"

That. Adorable. Face.  Love him.


Lately, there has been much interest afoot regarding fishing. Lucas fashioned the boys these fishing poles out of a couple of bamboo pieces. Milo was not really clear on the concept but he loved getting to wave a big, long stick around.

Levi relentless begged me to take him to "a fishing store."  We went to Bass Pro and spent time wandering around in their aisles and aisles of lures.  Levi had lots of questions.  I didn't have many answers.

Now you know I wouldn't change a thing about my life but endlessly discussing fishing equipment and studying twelve different types of nets was never a mothering scenario I imagined for myself.  I was predicting something along the lines of  reading 'Anne of Green Gables' aloud to my bookish daughters followed by weaving placemats together.
I love watching him when he is fascinated by something.

Milo's favorite was the gigantic catfish.  At first, it made him very nervous and he would move away from the glass when the fish swam near.

It was a good day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome Back, Farm Park

We took our first visit this season to the Children's Farmstead last week. It was good to be back. Milo especially was thrilled to be there. I'm pretty sure he didn't remember it from last year but even if he did, this year he is able to do so much more. He loved using the digging tools and being able to climb up the lowest rung of the fences.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Belated Birthday

The weekend before Easter, we finally threw Milo a little birthday celebration at Lynn and Marji's. I'm going to have to make it up to him next year and have a big party to celebrate his third.

Gran and Grandpa had a lunch with some of Milo's favorite foods. 


He really, really wanted to stick his finger int he frosting.

Along with us, Gran, and Grandpa, we celebrated with Grammie, Grandma D, Aunt Aundrea, Alison, and Amelia.


Lovely ladies.

More presents!

He loves holding little Mia.

String Art

Levi loves to play with string, yarn, and rope.  He makes elaborate loops and knots, bundling up items or tying things to door knobs, etc. He has a playroom full of toys but says, "Mama, can I have three really, really long pieces of yarn? I mean four. Pleeeeeease?"

He tied this toy up with string and tissue paper telling me, "I'm wrapping it up as a present."

Just direct your attention away from the dusty table top and consider this cheeto bag I found sitting here all tied up with yarn.

Ummm...I guess this lamp base needed an empty ribbon spool, toilet paper roll, and a piece of a toy farm fence attached to it?

The futon frame has all kind of tying action going on.  This is happening all over the house!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


One of my favorite things lately is how much Levi has been enjoying the library. He has discovered that the librarians can help him find books on his current favorite topic. The past few times he hasn't even needed me to help. He just marched up to the librarians desk and said, "Excuse me, I would like a book about scuva diving (sic)"
On our visit to the library before last, Levi was enthralled by books on fishing.

His interest rubbed off on Milo.

Last week was all about scuba diving.  He pored over this book.

Milo likes books alright but logs a lot more time playing with the cool magnetic blocks.
This past Friday we came home with books on firefighters, the army, submarines, and helicopters.


Visiting at Gran and Granpa's house

Working on the tractor.

Sleepover and bedtime reading at Gran and Grandpa's.

They are pretending to sleep.  I can't remember why they still have their helmets on.

Nana and Papa's birthday card to Milo.  I love that she always addresses them as 'Master'.

Auntie Aundrea and Uncle Chuck got Milo this great step stool for Milo on his birthday.  Very similar to the one they got Levi. 

It had a special message engraved on the bottom and his name on the top.  Thank you!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain

The boys and I stopped by an estate sale the other day and Levi's eye's lit up when he saw this bundle of rope. He asked repeatedly if we could buy it. I asked him if he had any money. He thought for a moment then said, "Yes! Nana bought me some money and sent it in the mail!" He was referring to a gift delivered months ago and long since spent but his little face was so incredibly earnest and hopeful that I told him we could buy the rope.

He excitedly set himself up as a mountain climber in the backyard.

His original plan was to climb the concrete wall.  Yikes.

I suggested he climb up the hill instead.

This kid enjoys his life.

The mountain climber even stopped to pick me some flowers.  I enjoy my life, too.

Buying him that rope totally made his week.  I am full aware that this won't always be the case and I'm soaking it up while I can.

Easter at Gran and Grandpa's House

Last Saturday, Lynn and Marji graciously hosted an Easter celebration for the family. We got to color eggs and they prepared Easter baskets and an egg hunt for everyone. Thank you!

You can see Milo is grasping an open plastic egg in his left hand.  It was the first one he found in the hunt.  He opened it right away and would not put it down.  He snacked on the goldfish crackers he found inside as he looked for the rest of his eggs.  Around his neck is some binoculars he got in his basket.

Everyone had an assigned egg color.  After the hunt Levi was happy to sit back and enjoy the treats he found inside.  He also had fun hiding eggs for his Mama and Daddy to find.  He found it hard to resist telling us where the eggs had been hidden, though.

Amelia's first Easter!

Handsome boys.

We both were very happy to celebrate with some chocolate.

Look at the cute bunch of hair that's standing up in back!

Guess who got stickers in his basket?

He liked coloring eggs but still wanted to get his hands on the camera.

They are both concentrating very hard.

Ombre is very big this season.  They are so on trend!

I took so many pictures of Levi holding little Mia because IT WAS SOOOOOO ADORABLE.

She was cooing.

He was so proud that she was obviously enjoying him holding her.

Of course Milo needed a turn as well.  The baby was not quite as comfortable with this arrangement.

Easter baskets!

A bunny with a soccer ball- this is right up his ally.