
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Independence Day

Our new neighborhood has the charming tradition of a children's 'Popsicle Parade' on the 4th of July.  The kids decorate their bikes, wagons, and scooters and all ride the length of the main street following a police car.  At the end, everyone gets lemonade and frozen treats and stands about being neighborly and such.  The fire department brings an engine for the kids to explore.  It was a lot of fun and a great opportunity to meet more of our new neighbors.

He's proud to be an American.

Next year, you can ride a tricycle, I bet.

Levi enjoyed the fire engine which came as no surpirse.

This is Cookie, our next door neighbor dog.  The boys are very excited about her.  Holding her is Rick, one half of what Luke and I refer to as 'The Nicest Neighbors in the History of the World.'  Seriously, he and his wife have been SO kind and welcoming. 

Hefting the fire hose. 

Wiggly and distracted by the popsicles just behind us.

"Look!  More puppies!"

The parade had a good turn out.

Now that's brotherly love: sharing your popsicle.

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