
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Farmpark Season

Since April was quite busy for us and the weather was unseasonably cool, today was our first outing to the Children's Farmstead (aka The Farmpark) since it opened for the season.  I'm sure Milo did not remember any of his trips there last year when he was just a tiny thing ensconced in his carseat carrier.  This year his feet (and hands and knees) actually touched the ground.  There were a lot of school kids there on special trips so he had plenty of subjects for one of his favorite activities: people watching.  Speaking of favorite activites, one of our first stops was Levi's- digging in the sand.
an expression of complete concentration

"higher, Mommy!"

Milo enjoyed the little slide but he had even more fun trying to climb up it.  His little legs were working but his feet would just slide back to their original position.  He couldn't get anywhere.  It reminded me of a hamster wheel.

"I think I can, I think I can!"  (Auntie Lea- notice the 'Zumi's' t-shirt?)

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