
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Baby Takes a Swim

Dear Daddy,

They finally let me go swimming! I've been hanging out on the side of the pool all week. Here's Nana helping me into my swim trunks. They even have a pocket. I can't for the life of me figure out why I'd need a pocket let alone one in my swim trunks, but it's good to have options.

Look at all my chub!

I kept a pretty serious face throughout my swim. After awhile I did make some happy sounds and start to kick around.

Big Brother wanted to help me swim. Mom protected me.

I get to see you tomorrow, Daddy, and I'll tell you all about it then.

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Wow first swim and first roll over all on your first visit to Nana and Papa's house. I am excited to see you doing so well and am very happy you are coming home today.