
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Papa visits, Cousin Fun, and More

For Christmas, Levi received a portable dvd player from Nana and Papa. I am enjoying it as much as he is. Last week we went to the book store and I got to read a magazine and drink a latte while he got his 25 minute daily allotment of Curious George. Everyone wins!
How cute is this kid? We've made some small progress into potty training and when he is successful he gets to wear underwear for awhile. He is so proud of them.
On Friday he made a penguin at story time at the library. I helped with getting the penguin parts in the correct location but definitely 100% of all glue stick usage was done by Levi. He loves a glue stick. But who doesn't, really?

The weather has continued to be cold and dreary so I bring him often to restaurant and mall play places to get his wiggles out.

Dad was in town for several days this week on a business trip. He took an extra day off to spend more time with us and Levi couldn't have enjoyed it more. He was pretty confused as to why Nana was not with Papa, though. Here's Papa taking care of the bedtime story reading duties. (Note another appearance of the moose pajamas)

Papa took Levi out on his run Friday morning. Levi was thrilled about this, of course. It's been many months since his pregnant, woozy, nauseous, expanding Mommy has taken him on a walk or run.

Here's the pile o' kids getting story time before nap. Levi was having so much fun with everyone that despite laying down for almost 2 hours he couldn't fall asleep.

Ring around the rosey...

All fall down! (their favorite part- one of them always starts the falling a bit early)

Watching Daddy, Joel, and Kiki at their Saturday soccer game. Ruby is making silly faces on purpose. She got a real kick out of seeing them afterwards.

Getting their play-doh on.

I could eat him up! He is looking so grown-up lately. I know he will seem even more giant when the baby comes.

1 comment:

Tim James said...

Do you have yourself a southpaw there? Cool!