
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reading with Levi

We use this blog as a tool to keep up with family and friends but it also serves as a 'baby book' of sorts, keeping a record of some of the miscellaneous parts of Levi's day-to-day activities that we might forget as time goes by. Here's a snapshot into the reading portion of his bedtime routine. Please note yet another appearance of the moose pajamas (or as Levi says, "moosejamas")

Tonight we start off with The Cat in the Hat by the venerable Dr. Suess.

Levi's critique: There are many, many items to point at and have my Mommy identify, I like interrupting every other line to say, "What's that?" but at 61 pages long, it's hard to sit still through an entire reading.

Mommy's favorite line: "I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny. But we can have lots of good fun that is funny."

Next up, The New Baby by Mercer Mayer.

Levi's critique: I really like the subject matter of this book. I find babies to be VERY interesting. The pages where the baby is shown crying concern me very much though. (He says, "baby cwying? he cwying? why baby cwying???")

Mommy's favorite line: "She cried a lot...even when I told her my best joke" I understand. That has rarely worked for me either.

On to Tractor Trouble by Ronne Randall. This one is adorable and the pictures are super cute. Those things combined with the fact that Levi calls it, "Twacto Twoubou" charms me to no end.

Levi's critique: Great subject matter- and this one has sound effects. I love wheeled things. My only complaint is that when I point to different parts of the tractor in the book and ask my Mommy to identify them, she only seems to know which the steering wheel and the tires are. I think she is making up answers when she says with an un-confident voice, "Uh...I don't know what that is...the exhaust pipe thingy? and that might be some sort of gear mechanism shaft thingamabob..."

Mommy's favorite line (CAUTION- spoiler alert, look away if you don't want to know how it ends): "They've all learned their lesson now. There's no such thing as a driving cow!"

And finally, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. I really like this one but Luke finds it to be a bit odd.
Levi's critique: Again, lots of items to point at and identify. My favorite part of the book is finding the little mouse that moves around from page to page.
Mommy's critique: Why is no one concerned about the little mouse that is running around the nursery???? At the very least the little-old-lady-who-was-whispering-"hush" should set some traps!
Mommy's favorite line: "Goodnight comb and goodnight brush, Goodnight nobody, Goodnight mush"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Random Update

Levi has been very interested in fire engines lately. Or as he pronounces it, "Fire Jlenjlens". He really likes to watch his dvd about them (and the ladders, the hoses, the dalmation, the sirens, etc). Here he ran and got his little toy fire engine to hold while he watched. We had an unexpected meal out last night when we got a call for a showing on the house. Aren't they handsome? Aren't they happy? These two are thinking, "French fries!!"

I took this pic at a red light today. Levi was poring over the Highlights magazine his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa ordered for him. He was so engrossed in it that when I pulled the camera out he looked up as if to say, "Mother, please do not distract me whilst I am engrossed in my scholarly research. Or maybe he was just thinking, "Huh?"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Papa visits, Cousin Fun, and More

For Christmas, Levi received a portable dvd player from Nana and Papa. I am enjoying it as much as he is. Last week we went to the book store and I got to read a magazine and drink a latte while he got his 25 minute daily allotment of Curious George. Everyone wins!
How cute is this kid? We've made some small progress into potty training and when he is successful he gets to wear underwear for awhile. He is so proud of them.
On Friday he made a penguin at story time at the library. I helped with getting the penguin parts in the correct location but definitely 100% of all glue stick usage was done by Levi. He loves a glue stick. But who doesn't, really?

The weather has continued to be cold and dreary so I bring him often to restaurant and mall play places to get his wiggles out.

Dad was in town for several days this week on a business trip. He took an extra day off to spend more time with us and Levi couldn't have enjoyed it more. He was pretty confused as to why Nana was not with Papa, though. Here's Papa taking care of the bedtime story reading duties. (Note another appearance of the moose pajamas)

Papa took Levi out on his run Friday morning. Levi was thrilled about this, of course. It's been many months since his pregnant, woozy, nauseous, expanding Mommy has taken him on a walk or run.

Here's the pile o' kids getting story time before nap. Levi was having so much fun with everyone that despite laying down for almost 2 hours he couldn't fall asleep.

Ring around the rosey...

All fall down! (their favorite part- one of them always starts the falling a bit early)

Watching Daddy, Joel, and Kiki at their Saturday soccer game. Ruby is making silly faces on purpose. She got a real kick out of seeing them afterwards.

Getting their play-doh on.

I could eat him up! He is looking so grown-up lately. I know he will seem even more giant when the baby comes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

29 Weeks- watch me baloon- I mean BLOOM

Take it from me, Baby is definitely growing. Here is a picture of my 29 week belly. The average baby at this gestation is 15 inches long from head to foot and weighs about 2.5 pounds. Imagine this squash with wriggly, kicky hands and feet. My new hobbies are grunting as I get up off of chairs and taking twice as many potty breaks.
Take a walk down memory lane with me:
I've still got 11 weeks to go!

Busy Boy

We spent Saturday night in Leavenworth at Lynn and Marji's and this is a picture of Levi showing off his favorite pajamas to Gran. Grammie F. got him these at Christmas and he LOVES them. He doesn't want to take them off in the morning and even tries to wear them at nap time. Thankfully he also really likes his Thomas pjs from Nana and Papa otherwise we would have to really be on top of the laundry.

Levi and Daddy: they've been playing, wrestling, and here are pretending to sleep.

So in a few years he's not going to be very happy with me putting this picture on the Internet, is he? Now that he's two there have been lots of big boy activities going on: I now let him watch some tv everyday and he's made some big progress using the potty.