
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Newest Stats- 15 month check-up

For those of you interested in such things:

Height: 33.5 inches (95th percentile)
Weight: 26# 5 oz (75th percentile)

Unfortunately, the doctor's visit revealed that Levi has a minor ear infection in his left ear. He also received two immunizations. As you can imagine, he was quite upset with the nurses until one of them gave him a lollipop. Two seconds after that the tears had stopped and all was forgiven. By the time we received his antibiotic from the pharmacy, he had turned into a drooly, sticky mess. He also kept cuddling up to me in my coat. All the stickiness picked up the fuzz on my coat and within no time he looked like he had a 5 o'clock shadow.

1 comment:

grandpa said...

unfortunately, fortunately either way it is good to get minor infections cleared up before they become major infections. Count your blessings! that it was caught soon.
Hopefully this med will wipe it out and our little?? guy will be hearing faintest whispers for many years to come. grandpa Lynn