
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Many Faces of Miles

"Hello loyal blog readers!"

"I am now 7 weeks old and if you haven't seen me since I was a little teeny newborn, you sure will be surprised at all my new skills."

"For instance, I can sleep for longer stretches at night and am soooo good at nursing. I am much more practiced at being adorable. I can also look appropriately concerned when big brother comes racing in my direction. Also, my cry is no longer just a 'wah waaah' anymore, it's more like, 'WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!'

"This is what my face looks like right after I sneeze. Whew, those sneezes can be surprising."

"Look at how nicely my chins are coming along! Those don't just happen by accident, you know. they take tending to."

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