
Monday, March 31, 2008

First Time Daddy

We had a good weekend and we are hoping you did as well. I thought I would share a moment when I had Amber laughing extremely hard (you know the kind of laugh that makes your belly hurt).

Well after the last checkup for Levi the doctor told us that we could start to introduce solids (pronounced as 'Salads' in Amber's lovely Chicago accent). So with Levi now at 20 weeks old we decided that we would start things out on Sunday. Amber sent me to the store with instructions to get rice cereal. I figure that it couldn't be too hard so I head to the baby food aisle and look for cereal. I soon realize that there are a couple of choices for rice cereal. I grab both a solid puff cereal in a cannister and a box of rice cereal mix. I get to the checkout and the checker (who tells me she is also a mother) asks me how old my baby is. I tell her that he is 5 months and she seems a little surprised/concerned but doesn't say anything. After I got home and explained to Amber how I thought it was odd that the checker would think to ask how old our baby was. I told her I wonder what the big deal is getting the rice puffs cereal. So as I show her the cannister and the two kinds of cereal and she starts to laugh very hard. She was nice enough to clue me in on the joke: what I thought was rice puff cereal is actually a finger food for toddlers. It certainly looks more like cereal than the other stuff. I guess I think our little Levi is a little more advanced than other babies.

Just as a note: Levi has attempted to eat the rice cereal (not puff variety) twice with limited success. We think he might have swallowed a spoonfull between both feedings. We'll keep trying though. He figured out rolling over I imagine he'll get this soon enough.


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