
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Visit

The Corzine and Rush clans have enjoyed a wonderful week together. All totaled there were 14 of us coming from 7 states (Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas for those interested...)

Christmas Day was hosted by Joel and Kelly. There was a great brunch and later a big ham dinner. The celebration was slightly more chaotic this year now that there are three little ones. With so many people there combined with the fact that when the kiddos opened a toy they, understandably, wanted to play with it RIGHT away, the gift exchange lasted all afternoon.

Throughout the week we played games, watched old movies, and ate a lot of goodies. We also helped serve a meal at the True Light Nazarene Mission. Today we took a tour of the Roasterie downtown.

Ben and Levi got matching rompers.

Ben gives the sweetest smiles and has started to babble at us.

Aunt Kathy with her hands full:

Attempting to get all three to pose with Aunt Kathy.

Nana and Papa got Levi this push toy and he loves playing with it. He also carries it upright and uses it as a mallet. Where did he learn that??

Ruby was enthralled with opening presents.

It was a long, fun day.

Here's Luke assisting Joel in putting together Ruby's new toy kitchen from Nana and Papa.

Mom, Dad, and Joel ended up at the little table after Ruby decided to join her Mama at the big table.

Auntie Lea!

Ruby was very helpful in assisting Levi opening his presents. This one is from her. She dictated the label on it. It said, "Happy Levi to You"

Cute Nephew Alert!

Levi on the tour at the Roasterie. It's a good thing he has a hairnet on- we wouldn't want one of his 30 transparent hairs to fall out onto the manufacturing floor.

Ben was uncaffeinated (unlike the rest of us) and slept through the tour.

Ruby received a huge treat and was given a lollipop to keep her occupied. This made her very happy.

Lea, a barista, gave the Roasterie a thumbs up.

Levi managed to sneak several licks in on Ruby's lollipop.

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