
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

9 months in, 9 months out

Hi! It's a little hard to believe but today I am 9 months old. These pictures are of me at my newest favorite spot: the front window. Now that I can pull myself up, I love to look outside at the cars and the trees. I also like to try and bend over to pick up toys without losing my balance or bonking my head on the windowsill. I'm not always successful, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Levi! You are growing and doing all sorts of things--so fantastic! Happy 9 months out! :) I just can hardly get over how cute you are...yum yum! Amber and Luke: could you guys send me a pic by email of one of these if you get the chance? (Otherwise I will remember to take some w/my cam at the fam reunion!)I really like the first one! Thanks!