
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A few more

I grabbed a couple of pictures from Nana's camera. You can see more from their visit at their Shutterfly site.

I had to include this one with Ruby and Nana wearing matching expressions.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Newest Family Foto

We are so blessed! Remember the first one?

Our Week

Levi is getting more and more acclimated to having the baby around. Among this week's lessons learned: Do Not Wrestle the Baby.

Milo is growing and growing. We went for a check up at the doctor and found that he had grown by a pound and 3 oz in one week's time. He's also gained an inch in height since he was born.

Four beautiful grandkids! Nana and Papa couldn't be more proud.

Kiki is a kid magnet.

Papa's future Boundary Waters companions. (Also- check out Milo's chins!)
Nana gave Levi all sorts of attention and treats this week. That included a ride on the carousel. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more- me, Nana, or Levi.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Boys

Levi on the Move

Levi especially likes to have us put Milo in the little rocker. We have to watch closely, however, since he has to fight the urge to give the swing a really, really big push.

He spends a lot of time putting the couch cushions on the floor and leaping off onto them.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Big Boy Bike

As a 'thank-you' for being such a great big brother, Milo got Levi this bike as a present. It even has a bell!

I cannot begin to express the level of cuteness Levi reaches excitedly putting on his helmet and climbing on this thing.

"Ding Ding!"

We are doing pretty well here- aside from the exhaustion, that is!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More From Milo's Birthday

Yay, Miles is out! Luke cutting the cord. Amber doing the 'ugly cry'.

Help! She's sticking me!

Me and my doctor. Thanks for taking such good care of us through pregnancy and delivery, Hilary!

Nice to meet you, beautiful son.

Couldn't be more blessed.

One AMAZING daddy.

Meeting some of the members of his fan club...

This was so precious. Levi is doing great being a big brother.

"I wan to hode Baby!!"

Levi noticed that his Mommy, Daddy, and baby brother all had hospital bracelets and he wanted one, too. Aunt Kelly made him one that said, "BIG BROTHER".