
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Big Boy Bed, Round 2

Milo transitioned out of the crib this week!  I snuck in the first night and took this picture.  I did the same thing when Levi slept in his bed for the first time.

 I wrote a little about it here.  He's been quite adorable about the whole thing.  He's been doing a great job staying put.  It's been a lot easier than when Levi moved to a bed from a crib.  The fact that Milo shares a room with Levi has been helpful.  Levi doesn't get out of the bed so Milo won't either. 

Yesterday during nap time I did find him on the floor playing with some toys.  I told him again that when he was in his big bed he had to stay there.  Then I put him in his crib for the remainder of nap.  He was very sad about that and today stayed right where I put him. 

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